I have long advocated that Working From Home is the basis of a flexible, combined approach to work. According to a recent article in The Times the Government are coming …
As we move towards another easing of COVID-19 restrictions many people working from home will no doubt sigh with relief at the thought of heading back to the office as …
Following the recent coverage of the potential national BT strike, and the impact that could have on people working from home I thought now was a good time to share …
Eyes down, here we go again …. Lockdown 3.0. Amongst other things be prepared to be bombarded with advice from people like me about what you should do to make …
I am regularly asked for some “easy tips” on how to make working from home more comfortable. A couple of days with the laptop on the sofa, or sat amongst …
As the UK enters another Lockdown (less Lockdown 2.0 more Lockdown Lite), a recent survey by YouGov has reported that only 7% of British workers want to return to the …
COVID-19 has thrown up challenges for us all, and I suspect will continue to do so for many years. One such challenge, thrust on us over night, was the need …